5. Klasse: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(UNIT 2)
(4 dazwischenliegende Versionen von einem Benutzer werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 98: Zeile 98:
[http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/article_a2.htm The indefinite article]
[http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/article_a2.htm The indefinite article]
[http://a4esl.org/q/h/9801/cg-a_an.html The indefinite article]
[https://school-english.de/english/uebungen/5klasse/aoran5.htm The indefinite article]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/03_artikel/05_a_an_unbestimmte_artikel_uebung.htm The indefinite article]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/03_artikel/06_a_an_indefinite_article_uebung.htm The indefinite article]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/03_artikel/09_a_or_an_indefinite_articles_ueben.htm The indefinite article]
Zeile 112: Zeile 122:
[http://www.adelescorner.org/grammar/have_got/havegot.html have got/has got]
[http://www.adelescorner.org/grammar/have_got/havegot.html have got/has got]
[https://school-english.de/english/uebungen/5klasse/havhasgot.htm have got/has got]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/10_have_got/01_have_got_has_got_uebungen.htm have got/has got]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/10_have_got/01_have_got_has_got_uebungen.htm have got/has got]
Zeile 121: Zeile 138:
[http://www.adelescorner.org/grammar/have_got/havegotneg.html haven't got/hasn't got]
[http://www.adelescorner.org/grammar/have_got/havegotneg.html haven't got/hasn't got]
[https://school-english.de/english/uebungen/5klasse/havehasgotneg.htm haven't got/hasn't got]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/10_have_got/03_have_not_got_has_not_got_uebungen.htm haven't got/hasn't got]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/10_have_got/04_have_not_got_has_not_got_uebungen.htm haven't got/hasn't got]
Zeile 128: Zeile 152:
[http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/have_got_questions.htm have got/has got in questions]
[http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/have_got_questions.htm have got/has got in questions]
[https://school-english.de/english/uebungen/5klasse/haveorhasfragen.htm have got/has got in questions]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/10_have_got/05_fragen_have_got_has_got_uebungen.htm have got/has got in questions]
[https://online-lernen.levrai.de/englisch/klasse_5_grammatik/10_have_got/06_fragen_have_got_has_got_uebungen.htm have got/has got in questions]
<u>'''The question words who, what and whose '''</u>
<u>'''The question words who, what and whose '''</u>
[https://school-english.de/english/uebungen/5klasse/fragen.htm question words]
<u>'''The modal auxiliaries can and can't '''</u>
<u>'''The modal auxiliaries can and can't '''</u>
Zeile 150: Zeile 185:
[http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-4782.php The imperative]
[http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-4782.php The imperative]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/various/imperative2.htm The imperative]
[https://english.lingolia.com/en/grammar/verbs/imperative/exercises The imperative]
[  The imperative]
[  The imperative]
<u>'''The possessive form of nouns and names (The s-genitive) '''</u>
<u>'''The possessive form of nouns and names (The s-genitive) '''</u>
[https://www.english-4u.de/de/grammar/genitiv.html Rules]
[https://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/nouns/exercises?04 The genitive]
[https://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/nouns/exercises?04 The genitive]
Zeile 159: Zeile 204:
[http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/apostrophe_s3.htm The genitive]
[http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/apostrophe_s3.htm The genitive]
[https://agendaweb.org/exercises/grammar/contractions/genitive-case-1 The genetive]
[https://agendaweb.org/exercises/grammar/contractions/genitive-case-write The genitive]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/apostrophe_s3.htm The genitive]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/apostrophe_s4.htm The genitive]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/nouns_articles/apostrophe_s.htm The genitive]
Zeile 175: Zeile 230:
[http://www.grammar.cl/Games/This_That_These_Those.htm this/that - these/those]
[http://www.grammar.cl/Games/This_That_These_Those.htm this/that - these/those]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/various/this_that.htm this/that - these/those]
[https://agendaweb.org/exercises/grammar/demonstratives/this-that  this/that - these/those]
[https://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=4617  this/that - these/those]
[http://sigmund-schuckert-gymnasium.de/English-Exercises/Struktur_in_Units/lets%20start/this-that-these-those.html  this/that - these/those]
[  this/that - these/those]
Zeile 247: Zeile 312:
[https://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/word-order/adverb-position adverbs of frequency - word order]
[https://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/word-order/adverb-position adverbs of frequency - word order]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/adjectives_adverbs/adverbs_of_frequency_order.htm adverbs of frequency]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/adjectives_adverbs/adverbs_of_frequency_order.htm adverbs of frequency]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/adjectives_adverbs/adverbs_of_frequency_order_2.htm adverbs of frequency]
[https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/adjectives_adverbs/adverbs_of_frequency_order_2.htm adverbs of frequency]
=UNIT 4=
=UNIT 4=

Aktuelle Version vom 25. Januar 2022, 19:20 Uhr



Nouns in the singular and plural

The plural of the nouns

The plural of the nouns - spelling

The personal pronouns and the forms of to be

The forms of to be

The forms of to be

The forms of to be

personal pronouns

personal pronouns

forms of to be

forms of to be

The negative forms of to be

negation of to be

negation of to be

Yes/No questions and short answers with be

Questions with am, are, is

Short answers with the forms of to be

Short answers with the forms of to be

Short answers with the forms of to be

Forms of to be (mixed bag)

Questions with question words

Questions with question words

Possessive determiners

possessive pronouns

possessive determiners

possessive determiners

possessive determiners

possessive determiners

possessive determiners

possessive determiners

possessive determiners

Statements, questions and short answers with there is/there are

there is/there are

there is/there are

there is/there are

there is/there are


numbers - 29 exercises

(big) numbers - 27 exercises

numbers (crossword)


The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The indefinite article

The definite article

The definite article (pronunciation)

Expressing possession and affiliation with have got

have got/has got

have got/has got

have got/has got

have got/has got

have got/has got

have got/has got

The negative form of have got

haven't got/hasn't got

haven't got/hasn't got

haven't got/hasn't got

haven't got/hasn't got

haven't got/hasn't got

haven't got/hasn't got

Yes/no questions and short answers with have got

have got/has got in questions

have got/has got in questions

have got/has got in questions

have got/has got in questions

have got/has got in questions

The question words who, what and whose

question words

The modal auxiliaries can and can't

can or can't

Questions with can

Short answers with can/can't

Questions with can/can't - word order

What animals can do

The imperative

The imperative

The imperative

The imperative

The imperative

[ The imperative]

[ The imperative]

The possessive form of nouns and names (The s-genitive)


The genitive

The genitive

The genitive

The genetive

The genitive

The genitive

The genitive

The genitive

The possessive form with of

's or of-phrase?

mixed exercises

The demonstrative pronouns this/that and these/those


this/that - these/those

this/that - these/those

this/that - these/those

this/that - these/those

this/that - these/those

this/that - these/those

[ this/that - these/those]

Der Plural der Nomen (unregelmäßige Formen)

The plural (irregular forms)

The plural (irregular forms)

The plural (mixed bag)


Die Uhrzeit

The time in English

The time in English

Telling the time - 28 exercises

What's the time?

What's the time?

What's the time?

What's the time?

The simple present

simple present

simple present

simple present

simple present - mix

simple present - mix

simple present - mix

simple present - mix

simple present - mix

simple present - mix

simple present - 3rd person singular

simple present - 3rd person singular

simple present - 3rd person singular

simple present - 3rd person singular

Word order in statements

word order

word order

word order

word order

Adverbs of frequency

adverbs of frequency - word order

adverbs of frequency

adverbs of frequency


Yes/No questions and short answers with do/does

Questions with do or does

Questions with do or does

simple present - questions

simple present - questions

simple present - yes/no-questions

Negative statements in the simple present

The verb to do in the simple present

simple present - negation

simple present - negation

simple present - negation

simple present - negation

simple present - negation

simple present - negation

The object forms of personal pronouns

personal pronouns - form

personal pronouns

personal pronouns

personal pronouns

personal pronouns

personal pronouns

Questions with question words and do/does

simple present - wh-questions

simple present - wh-questions


Expressions of quantity with of

The present progressive

The present progressive - long form

The present progressive - long form

The present progressive - short form

The present progressive - short form

The present progressive

The present progressive

The present progressive - negative statements

The present progressive

The present progressive - exercises

The present progressive - positive and negative statements

The present progressive - positive and negative statements

The present progressive

The present progressive

The present progressive

The present progressive

The present progressive

The present progressive

The present progressive

The present progressive - negative statements

Questions in the present progressive

Questions in the present progressive

Questions in the present progressive

Questions in the present progressive

Questions in the present progressive

Gegenüberstellung: Present progressive – simple present

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive - test

simple present or present progressive - test

simple present or present progressive - exercises

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive

The quantifiers some, any, no

some or any

some and any

some and any

some and any (exercises)

a, an, some and any

some, any or no

some, any or no

some or any

some or any

some or any

Compounds with some, any, every and no

The quantifiers much, many and a lot of

much or many

much or many

much and many in questions

much and many in questions and negations

many and much (exercises)

much and many

much or many

How much ... and How many...

The quantifiers a few, a little and a couple of


The modal auxiliaries can, can't and mustn't

can or can't

can in sentences, questions and negations

must or mustn't

must or mustn't

The modal auxiliaries must and needn't

mustn't or needn't

need and needn't

mustn't or needn't

The simple past

simple past

simple past

simple past

simple past

simple past

simple past

simple past

simple past (sentences and questions)

simple past (signal words)

simple past (mixed exercises)

was oder were?

Questions in the simple past

questions in the simple past

questions with question words

questions in the simple past

questions in the simple past

questions in the simple past

Negative statements and questions in the simple past

negative sentences in the simple past

negative sentences in the simple past

negative sentences in the simple past

negative sentences in the simple past

Main clauses and subordinate clauses