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(UNIT 1)
Zeile 255: Zeile 255:
<u>'''The simple present and present progressive with future meaning '''</u>
<u>'''The simple present and present progressive with future meaning '''</u>
<u>'''The future progressive'''</u>
<u>'''The future progressive'''</u>
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future_progressive_statements.htm future progressive]
* [https://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs23.htm simple future and future continuous]
<u>'''The future perfect'''</u>
<u>'''The future perfect'''</u>
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future_perfect_statements.htm future perfect]
* [https://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs25.htm simple future and future perfect]
<u>'''Tenses with future meaning'''</u>
<u>'''Tenses with future meaning'''</u>
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future.htm future tenses in English]
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future2.htm future tenses in English]
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/future_rules.htm future tenses in English (rules and test)]
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/simple_present_will_future.htm simple present or will-future]
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/will_going_to_future.htm will-future or going-to future]
* [https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/will_going_to_future2.htm will-future or going-to future]
* [https://www.thoughtco.com/future-tenses-review-quiz-for-esl-4078815 future tenses review quiz]
* [https://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs24.htm mixed future tenses]
<u>'''Revision: Sequence of tenses, simple and progressive forms'''</u>
<u>'''Revision: Sequence of tenses, simple and progressive forms'''</u>
Zeile 276: Zeile 290:
<u>'''used to and would for past habits'''</u>
<u>'''used to and would for past habits'''</u>
=UNIT 2=
=UNIT 2=

Version vom 2. Oktober 2022, 13:48 Uhr


Digitaler Spielplatz 1

Digitaler Spielplatz 3


The gerund

The infinitive with or without to

Gerund or infinitive: It depends on the meaning


The definite article

The indefinite article

Adjectives used as nouns

Concord with nouns for groups, collective nouns and abstract nouns


The passive

The passive infinitive

Verbs with two objects in the passive


The position of adverbs and adverbials

Adverbs of degree

Unit 1

Revision: Reported Speech

Conditional sentences

Unit 2

Revision: The passive voice

The progressive forms of the passive

Verbs with prepositions in passive sentences

Verbs with two objects in passive sentences

Revision: Questions with and without "do"

Revision: Relative clauses

Unit 3

The indefinite article

The definite article

Articles - Mixed exercises

Nouns for groups, collective nouns and abstract nouns

Adjectives used as nouns

The possessive pronouns

Unit 4

The gerund

The infinitive with to

Unit 5

The position of adverbs and adverbials

Adverbs of degree

Digitaler Spielplatz 5


The simple present and present progressive with future meaning

The future progressive

The future perfect

Tenses with future meaning

Revision: Sequence of tenses, simple and progressive forms

Dynamic verbs and stative verbs

English equivalents for the German verb lassen

used to and would for past habits


Participles and participle constructions

Present participle or infinitive after verbs of perception + object

Present participle after verbs of rest and motion

Revision: Infinitive or -ing

Statements in indirect speech

Expressions of time and place in indirect speech

Questions in indirect speech

Commands and requests in indirect speech


Defining and non-defining relative clauses

Inversion of the verb for emphasis after certain adverbs

Emphatic do/does/did

More ways of placing emphasis on sentence parts


Digitaler Spielplatz 6

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Digitaler Spielplatz 24