The simple present and present progressive with future meaning
The future progressive
- future progressive
- simple future and future continuous
- future progressive (Vielzahl von Übungen)
- future progressive (positive)
- future progressive (negative)
- future progressive (questions)
- future progressive
- future progressive
- future progressive (Vielzahl von Übungen)
The future perfect
- future perfect
- simple future and future perfect
- future perfect (Vielzahl von Übungen)
- future perfect (mixed exercises)
- future perfect
- future perfect
- future perfect or future simple
- future perfect (Vielzahl von Übungen)
Tenses with future meaning
- future tenses (form)
- future tenses in English
- future tenses in English
- future tenses in English (rules and test)
- simple present or will-future
- will-future or going-to future
- will-future or going-to future
- future tenses review quiz
- mixed future tenses
- future tenses
- will-future or going-to future
- will-future or going-to future
- future tenses
- future tenses (Vielzahl von Übungen)
- future tenses
- future tenses
- futures quiz
- will-future or going-to future
- going-to or will-future
Revision: Sequence of tenses, simple and progressive forms
- simple present + present progressive
- simple present + present perfect progressive
- present perfect simple + present perfect progressive
- present perfect simple + present perfect progressive
- simple past + past progressive
- simple past + present perfect simple
- simple past + present perfect
- simple past + present perfect
- simple past + past perfect simple
- simple past + past perfect
- mixed tenses
- mixed tenses (test)
- When to use which tense?
Dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs (pdf)
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs
- dynamic verbs and stative verbs (grammar+exercises)
English equivalents for the German verb lassen
- German "lassen"
- The causative (videos and exercises)
- German "lassen"
- German "lassen"
- German "lassen"
- German "lassen"
used to and would for past habits
- used to and would
- used to
- used to and would
- used to and would
- used to and would
- used to and would
- used to and would
- used to and would
- used to and would
- used to, be used to, get used to (Vielzahl von Übungen)
Participles and participle constructions
- participles (Übersicht)
- Present participle oder past participle?
- Present participle oder past participle?
- participles as adjectives
- participles as adjectives
- participles as adjectives
- participles as adjectives
- past participles as adjectives
- participles (mix)
- participles (mix)
- present participles (mix)
- past participle
- perfect participle - active or passive
- participle constructions in sentences
- Relativsatz durch Partizipialkonstruktion ersetzen
- Relativsatz durch Partizipialkonstruktion ersetzen
- Relativsatz durch Partizipialkonstruktion ersetzen
- Partizipien zur Verkürzung von Adverbialsätzen
- Partizipien zur Verkürzung von Adverbialsätzen
- Partizipien zur Verkürzung von Adverbialsätzen (perfect participle)
- Sätze kürzen mit Partizipialkonstruktionen (Mix)
- Sätze kürzen mit Partizipialkonstruktionen (Mix)
- Sätze kürzen mit Partizipialkonstruktionen (Mix)
- Sätze kürzen mit Partizipialkonstruktionen (Mix)
- Sätze kürzen mit Partizipialkonstruktionen (Mix)
- Partizipialkonstruktionen auflösen
Present participle or infinitive after verbs of perception + object
Present participle after verbs of rest and motion
Revision: Infinitive or -ing
- gerund or infinitive
- gerund or infinitive
- gerund or infinitive
- gerund or infinitive
- gerund or infinitive
Statements in indirect speech
Expressions of time and place in indirect speech
Questions in indirect speech
Commands and requests in indirect speech
Defining and non-defining relative clauses
Inversion of the verb for emphasis after certain adverbs
Emphatic do/does/did
More ways of placing emphasis on sentence parts