Englisch 6 Klasse - Übungen zur Grammatik im Jahrgangsstufentest

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Mit den folgenden Übungen kannst du dich auf den Grammatikteil des Jahrgangsstufentests vorbereiten. Solltest du merken, dass du noch Probleme hast, dann findest du hier viele weitere Übungen.

this/that - these/those

this/that - these/those

this/that - these/those

The plural of nouns

The plural (irregular forms)

The plural (irregular forms)

Telling the time

Telling the time

Telling the time

The simple present with adverbs of frequency

simple present with adverbs of frequency

Word order in statements

Word order in statements

Simple present or present progressive

simple present or present progressive - test

simple present or present progressive - test

a, an, some and any

a, an, some and any

much, many, a lot of, lots of

much, many, a lot of, lots of

Modal auxiliaries

must or mustn't

mustn't or needn't

can or can't

simple past

simple past (mixed exercises)

was or were